
Il Club Padova Specola 4.0 è nato il 4/05/2021 dal desiderio di unire competenze ed esperienze di amiche e colleghe, ciascuna professionista in un campo diverso, entusiaste di mettersi al servizio degli ideali Inner Wheel in modo innovativo. L’idea è di potersi incontrare di persona e in remoto per includere le socie che vivono e lavorano in Italia e all'estero. Il nome è stato scelto evocando uno strumento antico usato per guardare lontano (Specola) unendolo all'attenzione al futuro (4.0), non dimenticando la densa storia che Inner Wheel e questa città hanno alle spalle.

The Padova Specola 4.0 Club was founded on 4/5/2021 with the idea of combining skills and experiences of friends and colleagues whose meetings would be held in person and remotely, so to include all members, wherever they live or work. The 21 members are professionals in different fields, eager to put themselves at the service of Inner Wheel ideals in an innovative way. The name was chosen referring to an ancient instrument used to look up to the sky (Specola) combining this with the attention to the future (4.0), not forgetting the history that Inner Wheel and the city of Padua have behind them. One of our long-term goals is to connect the club to clubs of any part of the world, thanks to technology and the personal stories of each member. The club began planning its activities channeling energies to implement services in support of women with an international scope, grounded in the themes proposed by the International President "Pink first - Strong women stronger world”.